Planting can start in April but should wait until the risk of frost is past. If cold winter temperatures continue long into spring, planting should wait a while. You can plant summer bulbs until the end of May.
Step 1
- Use a trowel to dig a planting hole or trench.
- Summer bulbs, corms or tubers are planted at a depth twice as deep as the bulb is tall. Begonias and dahlias, however, are exceptions since they should be planted just below the surface.
Step 2
- Loosen the soil and make the bottom of the hole or trench somewhat level but do not tamp it down.
- Arrange small varieties 10 cm apart; this is a good distance for them. The distance apart for dahlias is 12 cm, for begonias 25 cm, for lilies 30 cm and for dahlias even 40 cm.
- Put the bulbs gently into the hole with their ‘noses’ pointed upward.
Step 3
- Cover the bulbs with soil.
- Immediately after planting, summer bulbs should be watered generously to promote rapid rooting. During a dry spring period, the soil in the garden should be kept moist.