Scilla siberica

Family: Liliaceae
Popular name: Siberian squil

Flower colour: blue

Flowering period: March – April

Average plant height: 15 cm

Planting depth to base of bulb: 10 cm

Spacing between bulbs: 10 cm

Type of bulb: bulb

Light requirements: full sun to partial shade

Landscape uses: borders, rock gardens, and under trees and shrubs

As evidence to the fact that it is one of the most winter hardy of the little bulbous plants, Scilla siberica can be found growing in Central Russia. It combines nicely with Glory-of-the-snow which flowers a bit earlier.

This is one of the best bulb plants for naturalising. The little round bulbs are covered in a loose dark tunic and are commonly available. Three to five of the star- to bell-shaped nodding flowers can be found on each stem, each bulb producing 3 to 4 flower stems – certainly enough to call it a profusely flowering bulbous plant. ‘Spring Beauty’, a selection that can be vegetatively propagated, has somewhat larger flowers and sturdier stems. ‘Alba’ is a rare, white form.