This Mother’s Day, don’t you feel Mom—and you—deserve something a little different? Something that recalls the past, looks to the future, and can be used in so many different ways? We can turn to the garden for solace and peace as people have done for generations. But let’s change it up a bit, shall we? Let’s enjoy summer bulbs.
Here are just a few reasons to burst out of our spring Mother’s Day routine and discover what summer bulbs have to offer.
Give Now, Enjoy Later
Summer bulbs, such as lilies and dahlias, offer a chance for you to extend the Mother’s Day experience. A gift of bulbs in May promises beautiful blooms to enjoy with your mom in a few months. Make planting a summer bulb garden with Mom and the kids or grandchildren the new spring tradition. Or simply pot up a few summer bulbs in a glazed pot for her to watch grow. She’ll love the anticipation of summer and of the date the family gathers again to see how the garden has grown.
Harvesting Family Memories
Cutting gardens—flowers that are planted specifically for harvesting and enjoying as arrangements—are all the rage now. Why? Because the bright, beautiful garden blooms can be lovingly cut and thoughtfully crafted into indoor flowerscapes. Mom’s summer bulb cutting garden allows her to harvest the memories of her Mother’s Day and time spent with family. What a delight to see the vase of gladiolus and anemones and recall the fun day with the kids.
Think of the Bees
Mom’s not the only winner when she’s gifted with summer bulbs. Many of them are a benefit to our pollinator friends and provide much-needed sustenance when they are their most active. Alliums, agapanthus, and crocosmia are much beloved by bees. Red hot poker is also a favorite of bees, as well as other pollinators such as butterflies. Be sure to plant enough bulbs—3 square feet or more—so the pollinators can notice the food source and make visiting well worth the effort.
A New Plant Palette
Everyone is acquainted with the bulbs of spring. From snowdrops to tulips, they’re homey and familiar. Summer bulbs, though, offer something new and different for the garden and gardener alike. The fragrance of lilies and freesia, the sensual curves of calla, the fiery colors of crocosmia, the plump delights of dahlias and ranunculus, the texture of blood lily and blazing star, the drama and height of gladiolus … there’s something to make everyone stop and take notice.
Enjoy for Months on End
If planned just right, summer bulbs will bloom from June right through September and beyond. Starting with alliums as the bridge from late spring, summer proceeds with crocosmias and lilies. Dahlias burst forth the second half of summer, and colchicums emerge as summer’s last gasp. There are even fall-blooming bulbs, too, such as nerines and sternbergias.
When Mom is out in the garden grabbing those last dahlias of the season before the frost sets in, rest assured she’ll be smiling as she remembers what a bright and beautiful bloomed-filled summer she’s had—thanks to you.