What is lasagna planting?
Lasagna planting (also called “layered planting”) is a special way of planting flower bulbs. It involves planting flower bulbs in layers, one over the next, just as you would make lasagna. Since the flower bulbs are planted in layers, the earliest to bloom, such as crocuses, will emerge first. These are then followed by the flower bulbs that will bloom later. This successive flowering means that you can enjoy the results for a long time: from January until May, depending on the kinds of bulbs you plant.
The ingredients for a lasagna planting
You will need certain things for your lasagna planting. It starts with a pot which is large and tall enough to hold at least three layers of bulbs. You will also need some hydroponic clay pebbles, potting soil and, of course, flower bulbs. And also have some plant markers ready on which to write the names of the flower bulbs. By the time spring rolls around and the shoots start to emerge, you may have forgotten exactly which flower bulbs you planted.
Planting in layers, step by step
Step 1
Make a few holes in the bottom of the pot so that excess water can drain away.
Step 2
Arrange a layer of hydroponic clay pebbles at the bottom of the pot and top this with a layer of potting soil.
Step 3
You can now start planting the flower bulbs in layers. Because flower bulbs bloom at certain times, they have to be planted in the right order according to when they bloom. You start, thus, with the flower bulbs that will bloom last, such as tulips. On top of these, you plant a layer of flower bulbs that will bloom a little earlier, such as daffodils. For the last layer on top, you plant flower bulbs that will bloom earliest, such as crocuses. Also remember to put some potting soil between each layer of flower bulbs.
Step 4
Cover the top layer of flower bulbs with potting soil. Insert the plant markers with the names of the flower bulbs in the pot so that you won’t forget them, and that’s all there is to it!
Recipes for lasagna planting
But what if you don’t know when the various flower bulbs will bloom? That would make it hard to know which layer to plant them in. No problem: here are two examples to get you going. Watch out, however, because lasagna planting is so much fun that you could become addicted. Once infected with this virus, there’s no way back!
Recipe 1
Top layer: Crocus (Crocus)
Middle layer: Hyacinth (Hyacinthus)
Bottom layer: Tulip (Tulipa)
Recipe 2
Top layer: Snowdrops (Galanthus)
Middle layer: Daffodil (Narcissus)
Bottom layer: Tulip (Tulipa)
Good to know
- More recipes for lasagna planting using flower bulbs are available here.
- If you want to enjoy flowers during the fall and winter before the flower bulbs bloom, plant some hardy annuals such as pansies on top of the layers of flower bulbs. This way, you won’t be looking at bare potting soil, and the flower bulbs can come right up through these plants in the spring.
- Lasagna planting can also be used in the garden. Simply dig a deep hole and then follow the same steps as you would for lasagna planting in a pot.
- You can make a lasagna planting using flower bulbs any time from September through December. Just make sure to do this before the first frost.