The summer bulb calendar
Using the summer bulb calendar is easy: just plant the various summer bulbs in the spring, as directed, and then enjoy a wonderful display of color in your garden from June until the end of October. The calendar lists the eighteen most popular summer bulbs according to when they flower, starting with a special iris. Several summer bulbs will still be flowering in September but the dahlias are the ones still blooming their hearts out right up to the end of the outdoor sitting season. This summer bulb will still be blooming in October! Well, until temperatures dip below freezing, because this marks the end of their glorious reign for that year.

Planting and caring for summer bulbs
- The best time of year to plant summer bulbs is in the spring, once the risk of frost is over. Pick a nice day for planting your colorful summer bulbs. This way, you’ll even enjoy the preparations.
- Summer bulbs prefer to grow in sunny locations, so look for various places in the garden that receive full sun for planting the summer bulbs you selected. Another factor to consider is their height. Summer bulbs that produce tall plants will look best at the back of the border with the short ones in front.
- Loosen the soil with a trowel or spade and remove any weeds and small stones.
- Place the summer bulbs carefully into the soil; most should be planted twice as deep as their bulb is tall. The exceptions to this rule are dahlia and begonia tubers. These are planted just beneath the soil surface since they need the warmth of the sun to grow.
- Dahlias will thrive not only in the garden soil but also in flower pots and planters on a patio or balcony. For this purpose, fill a generously sized flower pot or planter that has holes in the bottom with enough potting soil for the tubers to grow.
- After planting, give them a nice splash of water to get them started on their growth spurt.
- Also provide water during their flowering period if the weather is dry for a longer time. During hot weather, summer bulbs will really appreciate being watered in the evening.
- Trim away faded flowers. This allows the summer bulb to use its energy for generating new flowers instead of seeds.