A garden full of white flowers

White flowering bulbs

Some of us love splashes of color in our gardens, but many others are delighted by the tranquility of white. This is because white actually makes a garden look lighter. White is the color of quiet relaxation. And your garden is the perfect place for this! In addition to white annuals and perennials, you could extend the flowering season by planting flower bulbs that will produce white flowers in your garden. You can then start enjoying these beautiful little garden gems as early as January.

The huge flowers - up to 175 cm long - makes Needle of Cleopatra (Eremurus) one of the most spectacular bulbs in the entire assortment. White is the color of relaxation and tranquility. Therefore, plant a garden full of white flowers, and you can enjoy these beautiful garden gems from as early as January. Allium (ornamental onion) are known for their wide variety of color, fragrance and height. Most varieties bloom in early summer, right after many spring bloomers. Did you know that these also come with white flowers? and they are also super good for biodiversity. White is the color of relaxation and tranquility. So why not plant a garden full of white flowers and enjoy these beautiful garden gems from as early as January.

The botanical name of snowdrop 'Galanthus' means milk white flowers. Few people know that there are more than 75 species and cultivars of snowdrop. They all have milky white flowers and bloom very early in spring. White is the color of relaxation and tranquility. Therefore, plant a garden full of white flowers, and you can enjoy these beautiful garden gems as early as January. The effect of crocuses is very beautiful when planted in large numbers. For a massive effect, 100 to 150 corms should be planted. The calyx-shaped flowers open when the sun shines or when there is plenty of light; they close in dark weather and at night. White is the color of relaxation and tranquility. Therefore, plant a garden full of white flowers, and you can enjoy these beautiful garden gems from as early as January.

Small is beautiful

Flower bulbs that produce white flowers are available in many different varieties and sizes. If you want small delicate flowers, choose snowdrops (Galanthus). These are the earliest flower bulbs to produce white flowers – they bloom as early as January. They are also a good flower bulb for naturalizing. This means they will produce more flowers every year! In addition to snowdrops, you might want to choose spring snowflakes (Leucojum vernum), white grape hyacinths (Muscari), crocuses (Crocus) and anemones (Anemone blanda).

Daffodils, along with tulips, hyacinths and crocuses, are the most important spring-flowering bulbs. Daffodils can be used for almost anything. The great advantage of daffodils is that they behave like perennials in the garden, returning every year. Moreover, they bloom early in the season which gives them an important role in the spring garden. White is the color of relaxation and tranquility. Therefore, plant a garden full of white flowers, and you will be able to enjoy these beautiful garden gems as early as January. Hyacinths are very popular for the garden. One of the reasons for this is the wide range of colors but the nice fragrance also plays a role. The last reason is that hyacinths bloom easily. White is the color of relaxation and tranquility. Therefore, plant a garden full of white flowers, and you can enjoy these beautiful garden gems as early as January.

To create beautiful dense flower spikes of the Anemone blanda, plant the small tubers 5 inches apart at a depth of around 4 inches. White is the color of relaxation and tranquility. Therefore, plant a garden full of white flowers, and you can enjoy these beautiful garden gems as early as January. The effect of crocuses is very beautiful when planted in large numbers. For a massive effect, 100 to 150 corms should be planted. The calyx-shaped flowers open when the sun shines or when there is plenty of light; they close in dark weather and at night. White is the color of relaxation and tranquility. Therefore, plant a garden full of white flowers, and you can enjoy these beautiful garden gems from as early as January.

Large flowers

There are many flower bulb varieties that produce large white flowers. Tulips (Tulipa) are the most popular. There are many kinds of white tulips, too: double-flowered, fringed and lily-flowered varieties to name a few. Did you know that not all daffodils are yellow? Some varieties are white. And then there are the large white-flowered ornamental onions (Allium), nodding star-of-Bethlehem (Ornithogalum nutans), hyacinths (Hyacinthus) and foxtail lilies (Eremurus); each will make a garden sparkle. So what are you waiting for?

Planting flower bulbs

Because the flower is already tucked away inside its bulb, planting them doesn’t require green fingers. All it takes is four steps for guaranteed success.

  1. First, loosen the soil with a spade at the place where you want to plant the flower bulbs.
  2. Dig a hole with a spade or bulb planter
  3. Plant the flower bulbs in it with their pointed sides facing up and rounded sides pointing down. Keep a distance of three times the diameter of the bulb between the bulbs, and use three times the height of the bulb as the planting depth.
  4. Make sure that the soil is moist. Fill the hole with the previously removed soil and tamp the surface gently.

More and more people are becoming interested in edged tulips - so much so, in fact, that these tulips now form their own group. You have to remember with this group that the tulips are descendants of several other groups, differing in height and flowering period. The only characteristic thing they have in common is their sharp, jagged petals. White is the color of relaxation and tranquility. Therefore, plant a garden full of white flowers, and you can enjoy these beautiful garden gems from as early as January. The lily-of-the-valley or mayflower is a perennial plant up to 30 cm tall that occurs wild in wooded areas, but is also kept as a garden plant. White is the color of relaxation and tranquility. Therefore, plant a garden full of white flowers, and you can enjoy these beautiful garden gems from as early as January.

Since "ornis" means bird and "gala" means milk, the name of this species is "bird's milk. Its white color and elegant flowers are probably the reason for the name. From each flower hang 10 to 20 bell-shaped flowers. White is the color of relaxation and tranquility. Therefore, plant a garden full of white flowers, and you can enjoy these beautiful garden gems as early as January. Muscari are excellent border plants and stand out beautifully against the perennials in the garden. White is the color of relaxation and tranquility. Plant a garden full of white flowers and enjoy these beautiful garden gems from as early as January.